
8 Ways to Avoid Air Conditioning Compressor Failure

Ways To Avoid Air Conditioning Compressor Failure

Summer is in full swing, which means one thing for many people: air conditioning. Air conditioners are a lifesaver during the summer, but they can be expensive. One of the most significant costs associated with air conditioners is the compressor. The compressor is responsible for pumping refrigerant through the system and cooling your home or office. If the compressor fails, it can be costly to repair or replace. This blog post will discuss 8 ways to avoid air conditioning compressor failure.

Why Your AC Compressor Could Fail

There are several reasons why your AC compressor could fail. The most common reason is lack of maintenance. Your air conditioner needs to be serviced regularly to keep it running correctly. Another common reason for compressor failure is a refrigerant leak. Refrigerant leaks can occur due to faulty installation, poor manufacturing, or damage to the unit. If you suspect a refrigerant leak, it’s essential to have it fixed as soon as possible by taking professional service .

Overheating is another common cause of compressor failure. Your air conditioner should have a built-in thermostat that turns the unit off when it gets too hot. However, if this thermostat fails, the compressor can overheat and fail. Dirty coils can also cause overheating. Coils should be cleaned regularly to prevent this from happening.

8 Ways To Avoid Air Conditioning Compressor Failure 

If your air conditioner is not maintained correctly, it can lead to compressor failure. Ensure your unit is serviced regularly and check for leaks or other problems. Let’s discuss 8 Ways To Avoid Air Conditioning Compressor Failure and keep your air conditioner running smoothly for years to come.

Check for Leaking Refrigerants.

One of the leading causes of compressor failure is leaking refrigerant. If your air conditioner is low on refrigerant, it can cause the compressor to overheat and fail. So be sure to have your unit checked for leaks regularly.

Only Hire Qualified Hvac Professionals

Attempting to repair or service your air conditioner on your own can be dangerous and may void your warranty. Instead, only hire qualified HVAC professionals to work on your unit.

Get the Correct Replacement Parts

If your compressor does fail, be sure to get the right replacement parts. Using the wrong parts can cause damage to your unit and void your warranty.

Keep Your Coils Clean

Dirty coils can cause your air conditioner to overheat and fail. So be sure to clean your coils regularly.

Keep Your AC Well Oiled

Your AC needs oil to lubricate the compressor. If it doesn’t have enough oil, it can overheat and fail, Like a refrigerant leak, an oil leak can also damage your AC.

Make Sure Suction Lines are Clear

If your suction lines are clogged, your compressor can overheat and fail. Check them regularly to make sure they’re clear. But if the AC’s suction lines become blooming, it will not only cause your compressor to overheat but also can damage the coils.

Inspect Wiring and Connections

Wiring and connections can come loose over time. It can cause your AC to overheat and fail. Inspect them regularly to make sure they’re tight and in good condition.

Prevent Contamination

Contamination can damage your AC compressor. Keep the area around your compressor clean and free of debris. An AC has drain lines and pans, which have the potential to build up water and dirt over time. If these become blocked, it can cause your compressor to overheat and fail.


If you’re experiencing poor air flow from your AC, the first step is to check for duct problems. Leaks and blockages in your ductwork can seriously reduce the cooling power of your system, costing you money and making your home uncomfortable. Fortunately, these issues are relatively easy to diagnose and fix. So if you’re having trouble with your AC this summer in Texas, USA. give us a call. We’ll help get your home relaxed and comfortable in no time.

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